Saturday, October 26, 2013

Brands move budgets from TV to online, but will content of videos change?

+Forbes recent posted an article about brands moving budgets from TV to online video.

All in all, that's great news.

But. Yes, there's a but.

But, what will those videos contain?

As budgets have slowly been shifting from TV to online for video, clients still have not been making the same effort to change what those videos are about, pushing the old-style TV ads that sell, sell, sell, and yell at the customer about their product or how awesome they are at the viewer, verses making something that someone will want to be interrupted by.

And I say interrupted because online video is most often found on pages where someone is trying to read an article, before viewing the video they actually want to see, after playing a turn in a free version of a game downloaded to their phone/tablet, etc.

In the Age of Delightenment, the standard type of TV spot will not do in the online space.

So, until the content of these videos change, the impact will not be seen in the ROI. (OMG, did I just say "ROI"? What's going on here? Lol)

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